What is Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)?

DCIS is found in the cells that line the ducts in one or both breasts. DCIS is considered the earliest form of breast cancer and is sometimes referred to as Stage 0 (zero) or non-invasive cancer.1 Whilst DCIS is pre-invasive or pre-cancerous, a positive diagnosis with DCIS can mean your doctor will recommend a treatment plan with the aim of preventing potential invasive cancer.1

Understand the best treatment options for your DCIS

GenesisCare has access to risk assessment-based test which may help determine the potential risk of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) recurring after surgery.2 The assessment also looks at the potential risk of progression to invasive breast cancer, and the possible impact of radiation therapy (RT) in reducing the risk.2

Whilst DCIS itself is may not always be considered life threatening, there is some evidence suggesting that patients with DCIS might have an increased risk of death from breast cancer compared with those without DCIS.1-4 There are several proposed reasons for this, including variations in treatment practice due to geographical access and potentially differing clinical protocols.3,4

The risk assessment-based test that GenesisCare has access to may potentially help doctors and patients when selecting a treatment based on the biology of a particular tumour type, alongside clinical pathology.2 It was developed with the aim of assisting both patients and clinicians when they are making treatment decisions.2

There are no additional procedures required to complete testing, as it can be performed on existing tissue from a biopsy or breast surgery.2

For more information ask your doctor or contact us directly

1300 086 870
1300 086 870

Click here to find out more about the treatment journey for breast cancer and risk assessment based testing at GenesisCare.

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This information is provided for the sole purpose of disseminating educational information in relation to DCIS and DCISionRT. The content is not intended to provide medical advice or treatment recommendations and should not be relied on as such. The information does not take the place of professional or medical advice. While GenesisCare makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the content, GenesisCare does not guarantee its accuracy, currency or completeness and does not accept any responsibility or liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on the content. Before relying on the content, you should carefully evaluate it and use your own professional discretion when determining its appropriateness for assessing the clinical needs of your patients (including considering any risks relevant to individual patients in the context of their full treatment protocol). The content includes information from third parties. This information is provided for convenience only and does not necessarily reflect the views of GenesisCare or signify that GenesisCare endorses such information.