Early diagnosis matters

New research has shown 8 in 10 men with prostate cancer stay silent about their initial symptoms for fear of side effects of treatment, such as impotence and incontinence, and the disruption to their day-to-day life.  

But detecting prostate cancer early is vital to improving outcomes. The sooner it’s found, the more treatment options you have. 

At GenesisCare we see first-hand how the latest prostate cancer diagnostics and treatments often exceed patient expectations. We’re changing the way people experience prostate cancer care – for the better. 

This Prostate Cancer Awareness Month we want to get men talking and encourage them to:

  • Know their risk of prostate cancer
  • Be aware of the symptoms
  • Know the treatment options available 

Let's get men talking

Let's get men talking
Podcast presenter Nick Owen on golf course with GenesisCare prostate cancer patient Kanty

Our latest research found that outdoor settings such as walking, playing golf or football matches are some of the easiest locations for men to open up to friends and family about their cancer concerns.

TV presenter and journalist Nick Owen recently spoke with fellow prostate cancer patient Kanty Patel about their personal experiences with prostate cancer while on the golf course. 

Worried about prostate cancer?

GenesisCare provides fast access to the latest tests and scans, and innovative treatment options for prostate cancer. We're recognised by all major insurers or you can self fund.


I didn't want a long drawn out treatment and I didn't want side effects. These were two big factors in my decision to have treatment on the MRIdian

- Kanty, 5 day MRIdian radiotherapy for prostate cancer


Know the symptoms of prostate cancer

The most common symptoms to look out for are:

  • Needing to urinate more often, especially at night
  • Straining or difficulty urinating
  • Urgency to urinate
  • Weak urine flow
  • Difficulty emptying your bladder
  • Blood in your urine or semen


Other symptoms associated with more advanced cancer that has spread beyond the prostate include back or bone pain, difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, blood in the semen or urine, and weight loss.

However, prostate cancer often doesn’t show symptoms in the earliest stages. That’s why it’s vital that you know your risk of prostate cancer.

Know your risk

Some people have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. Things that increase your risk include:

  • Age - it mainly affects those over 50
  • A family history of prostate cancer
  • Having a BRCA gene mutation - BRCA genes are important for normal cell growth
  • Being of black ethnicity
  • Being overweight

Health issues can be taboo and prostate cancer symptoms are often difficult to discuss but by opening up conversations and, encouraging early detection, together with highlighting all available and innovative treatment options, we can improve outcomes and help more men live longer, healthy lives.

- Dr Prantik Das, Clinical Oncologists, GenesisCare

Treatment for prostate cancer is evolving

There are a range of treatments for manging prostate cancer, and our consultants will tailor a treatment plan that focuses on the outcomes that matter most to you. 

The most common treatments for prostate cancer include:

  • Surgery
  • Radiotherapy
  • Hormone Therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Theranostics


The latest technology and treatments are changing how people experience prostate cancer care for the better. 

One of the most innovative prostate cancer treatments currently available in the UK is radiotherapy using the MRIdian, exclusively available at GenesisCare. 

As few as 2% of men are aware prostate cancer can be treated in as little as 5 days, with minimal side effects


How many radiotherapy sessions for prostate cancer?

Traditional radiotherapy takes 20 to 39 sessions over several weeks and may be combined with chemotherapy. 

But radiotherapy using the MRIdian can effectively treat prostate cancer in just five sessions over consecutive or alternate days, with fewer side effects than conventional radiotherapy. 

The MRIdian uses more focused beams of radiation and has advanced technology that automatically switches off the beam if the tumour moves even a fraction out of place.

This reduces the risk of problems such as erectile dysfunction or urine incontinence because less surrounding healthy tissue is damaged – damage to healthy tissue is what causes radiotherapy side effects.

For the 1 in 5 men who have a recurrence of prostate cancer, the MRIdian also offers the critical advantage of retreatment, which is not usually an option after surgery or traditional radiotherapy. 

Kanty had five radiotherapy sessions on five alternate days on the MRIdian at GenesisCare in Oxford. 

“I didn’t have to change my lifestyle, I could continue with my normal activities like yoga, walking, playing golf; even in between treatments. I had no side effects, I was pleased and relieved.”

Side effects of 5-day radiation

With MRIdian, side effects are fewer and less severe than with conventional radiotherapy. However, you may still experience some of the following side effects. 

Why choose GenesisCare?

We are the leading UK independent provider of cancer care, offering fast access to cutting-edge treatment and technology for prostate cancer, combined with compassionate, world-class care.

Our teams of experts include prostate cancer consultants and advanced radiotherapy practitioners, who design personalised care plans based on individual diagnosis and preferences, with treatment starting within days.

Our patients can access the latest tests and treatments, covered by all major private insurers or through self-payment.

We support people through their cancer journey with wellness programmes through our unique partnership with the national charity, Penny Brohn UK. 

Unveiling the silence

Unveiling the silence
Dr Patel and his wife enjoying a drink

Find out why it's so difficult for men to open up about prostate cancer

Podcast snippets

Here are just a few short edits from the Deadly Silent podcast with Nick Owen and Kanty sharing their experiences. To download the full podcast click here

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