- Patients
- Exploring cancer care
- Conditions we treat
- Gastrointestinal Cancer
- Colorectal cancer
What is colorectal cancer?
Chapter 01
What is colorectal cancer?
The colon and rectum make up the large intestine (or large bowel), which is part of the digestive system, also called the gastrointestinal (GI) system.1
The colon is the longest part of the large intestine (the first 1.5-1.8 metres).1 It has several major functions, including:3
- receiving almost completely digested food from the caecum (a pouch within the abdominal cavity that is considered to be the beginning of the large intestine),
- absorbing water and nutrients, and
- passes waste (faeces) to the rectum.
The rectum which is the final part of the large intestine, holds our faeces until defecation.1
Most colorectal cancers start as a growth, called a polyp, on the inner lining of the colon or rectum.2,4,5
Over time (usually many years), some polyps can change into cancer.5 The different types of polyps include:5
- Adenomatous polyps (adenomas) - These polyps sometimes change into cancer, and because of this, adenomas are called a precancerous condition. There are three types of adenomas: tubular, villous, and tubulovillous.
- Hyperplastic polyps and inflammatory polyps - These polyps are more common but are usually not precancerous.
- SSP or TSA - These polyps are often treated in a similar way to adenomas, and one of the reasons for this may be the risk factors associated with the SSP or TSA becoming cancerous.
When cancer forms in a polyp, it can grow into the wall of the colon or rectum.5 The walls of the colon and rectum are made up of multiple layers – the cancer usually starts in the innermost layer (the mucosa) and then grows outward through some or all the other layers.5
Once the cancer cells are in the wall, they can then spread into the blood or lymph vessels.5 If this occurs, they can then travel to nearby lymph nodes or on to other parts of the body.5
For colorectal cancer, doctors will look at the stage or extent of spread, which is usually based on how deeply it has grown into the wall and if it has spread outside the colon or rectum.5
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There are some risk factors which can increase the risk of colorectal cancer including:2
- Inherited genetic risk and family history
- Inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s
- High red meat consumption, especially processed meats
- Diet low in fibre
- Polyps
- Being overweight or obese
- High alcohol consumption6
- Smoking
- Having a previous diagnosis of colorectal cancer
- Having other disease such as Type II diabetes
If you have any questions or concerns on colorectal cancer risk factors, you should make an appointment with your GP or specialist.
Symptoms of colorectal cancer may include:2,4
- Change in bowel habit including diarrhoea, constipation or the feeling of incomplete emptying
- Change in appearance of consistency of bowel movements such as watery stools
- Blood in stools
- Abdominal pain, bloating or cramping
- Anal or rectal pain
- A lump in the anus or rectum
- Weight loss
- Unexplained fatigue
- Tiredness and/or anaemia (pale complexion, weakness, and breathlessness)
If you have any of these symptoms, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have colorectal cancer; but you should speak with your GP or specialist so they can make an assessment.
Chapter 02
Diagnosing colorectal cancer
Your doctor can discuss specific symptom information with you. Tests to diagnose colorectal cancer may include:2,4
- Blood tests – To check if there are any signs that you are losing blood in your stools, and to check for red blood cell count (low red cell count can be common in people with colorectal cancer).
- Faecal blood test – This test involves you taking a stool sample at home. The sample is examined for traces of blood which can be an indicator of a polyp, cancer, or other bowel condition. It does not diagnose cancer, but if blood is detected your doctor may recommend further testing.
- Colonoscopy – This test is regarded as being the most comprehensive test for colorectal cancer. It examines the length of the large bowel with a camera inserted into the anus under anaesthetic. Any unusual tissue may be removed for further examination.
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy – Carried out in the same way as a colonoscopy, this test is used to examine the rectum and left side of the lower colon. Any unusual tissue may be removed for further examination.
- Computed tomography (CT) scan – Takes three-dimensional pictures of several organs at the same time, and can help doctors plan surgery, if required. It can also be used to see if the cancer has spread.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan – Produces detailed cross-sectional pictures of the body and can help to show the extent of any tumours.
- Positron emission tomography (PET) scan – Produces three-dimensional colour images that help show where any cancers are in the body.
Treatment options
Chapter 03
Treatment options
Treatment for colorectal cancer will usually depend on what your treating team deicides is right for your case and may include:2,5
- Surgery
- Targeted therapies
- Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is an approach to cancer therapy which involves the administration of medicine, usually orally or by injection, which is intended to kill cancer cells or minimise their growth and spread. Chemotherapy can be used in conjunction with other cancer treatments.
- Radiation therapy - Radiation therapy may be used before surgery to help shrink a tumour, and it may help make it easier to remove. It may also be used after surgery if the tumour was attached to an internal organ or lining of the abdomen, with the aim being to help destroy any cancer cells left behind.
Radiation helps to destroy lesions and tumours within your body.2,5,7 Radiation therapy may be delivered independently or alongside treatment approaches such as surgery.2,8 Your doctor will discuss your specific treatment plan with you.
Side effects
Chapter 04
Side effects
Side effects of cancer treatment
With cancer treatment there is a possibility of side effects, and the type and severity of side effects will vary between individuals.2,8 You should ask your doctor for detailed information about the side effects which you may experience with any treatment recommended for you.
Recommendations to help you stay well during treatment
Your treatment team will provide some more information on some of the lifestyle interventions to try during treatment. The following is a list to help you started:
- Get as much rest as possible9
- Aim for a wholefood, varied diet, and we also encourage you to think about eating foods that interest you rather than what you think you should eat9
- Appetite changes are common, and you may experience taste changes or nausea. Help manage this by eating small, frequent snacks and avoiding smells that make you nauseous9
- Drink lots of water9
- Reach out to support groups and others who have had cancer treatment9
- Record your side effects in a diary or journal9
- Speak to your doctor about incorporating some gentle exercise into your weekly routine9
- It is important to acknowledge when you are fatigued and rest when you need to9
- Ask for and accept help from family, friends and neighbours9
- Be open with employers about your treatment and discuss flexible working options if you need them.
Your treatment with GenesisCare
Chapter 05
Learn more about patient care at GenesisCare
A cancer diagnosis can be life changing.10 Even before your initial encounter with the GenesisCare team, you may experience a wave of emotions.10 It’s natural to feel disbelief, anxiety, sadness, anger and loneliness.10 We strive to help strengthen your confidence, settle your emotions, and to create care experiences that offer the best possible clinical outcomes.
Our care team aims to know your name and to get to know who you are as a person. Your nursing team and oncology team are here to support you before, during and after your cancer treatment. We are here to guide you and to help get the support you need which may include healthcare professionals such as psychologists, exercise physiologists, physiotherapists, and dietitians.
If you have any enquiries about our centres or services, please contact your local centre team. View a list of our centres here.
Helpful services
Chapter 06
Other helpful services
Further colorectal cancer information, resources, and support services are available to help assist you during your cancer journey. These may include:
Cancer Council
Cancer Council is Australia’s leading cancer charity, supporting families, advocating for the community, empowering cancer prevention, and advancing detection and treatment methods across all cancer types.
Gastroenterological Society of Australia
The Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA) sets and promotes clinical standards in gastroenterology and hepatology. It collaborates with healthcare professionals, government bodies, and policy groups to ensure high-quality patient care, research, and education across Australia.
Bowel Cancer Australia
Bowel Cancer Australia is the leading national charity dedicated to prevention, early diagnosis, research, quality treatment and care, so everyone affected by bowel cancer can live their best life.
Read Next

Our centres
In Australia, we have more than 40 oncology centres in metro and regional Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia.

Our doctors
Our experienced, specialised doctors offer bespoke, dedicated care aiming to provide the best possible clinical outcomes.

Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy uses high energy X-rays or other particles to treat cancer and can be used at all stages.
- Azzouz LL & Sharma S. National Library of Medicine. StatPearls Publishing LLC [Internet]. Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis: Biliary Ducts. Treasure island (FL). Last Update: July 2023 [Cited Oct 2023]. Access from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507857/
- Cancer Council. Bowel cancer. Available at: cancer.org.au/cancer-information/types-of-cancer/bowel-cancer. Accessed on: 15/07/21.
- Kahai P, et al. Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Large Intestine, 2020 StatPearls Pub, USA.
- Cancer Council Australia. Clinical practice guidelines for the prevention, early detection and management of colorectal cancer. Available at: cancer.org.au/australia/Guidelines:Colorectal_cancer#_ga=2.99481630.1470258732.1626230418-908501624.1616558293. Accessed on: 15/07/21.
- American Cancer Society. What is colorectal cancer? Available at: cancer.org/cancer/colon-rectal-cancer/about/what-is-colorectal-cancer.html. Accessed on: 15/07/21.
- Fedirko V et al. Annals of Onc 2011; 22:1958-1972.
- Li D, et al. Cancer Biol Med. 2014; 11(4):217-236.
- Cancer Council Australia. Radiation therapy. Available at: https://www.cancer.org.au/cancer-information/treatment/radiation-therapy. Accessed on: 15/07/21.
- Cancer Council Australia [website]. Nutrition for People Living with Cancer. Page last updated July 2022 [cited Jan. 2024]. Access: https://www.cancer.org.au/assets/pdf/nutrition-and-cancer-booklet
- Cancer Council Australia [website]. Emotions and cancer. Updated Nov. 2022 [cited Jan. 2024]. Access: https://www.cancer.org.au/assets/pdf/emotions-and-cancer-booklet
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This website is provided for information purposes only. Nothing on this website is intended to be used as medical advice, or to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It should not be used as a substitute for your own health professional's advice. Any medical procedure or treatment carries risks. Before proceeding with treatment, you should discuss the risks and benefits of the treatment with an appropriately qualified health practitioner. Individual treatment outcomes and experiences will vary.