Prostate cancer treated in less than one week

Recent advances in radiotherapy technology means patients with prostate cancer can now be treated in as little as five days over the course of one week, instead of the standard 20-39 radiotherapy sessions over many weeks.

Patients having their prostate cancer treatment over a shorter period of time, are able to return to their day-to-day life much quicker.

My prostate cancer treatment was completed in 5 days. To be able to get back to normal life within a week was amazing

Geoff, MRIdian MR linac prostate cancer patient

MRIdian MRI-guided radiotherapy

Five consecutive-day radiotherapy for prostate cancer is delivered on the MRIdian MR linac, a state-of-the-art radiotherapy machine exclusively available in the UK at GenesisCare.

The advantage of the MRIdian MR linac is that it enables clinicians to ‘see as they treat’ with the exact position of the tumour visible during treatment. If the tumour moves even slightly out of position, due to patient’s breathing or normal body movements, the radiotherapy beam is automatically paused until the tumour is back in position. This prevents unnecessary radiation damage to healthy tissue, which reduces the risk of treatment-related side effects. No other radiotherapy machine has this capability.

GenesisCare is the first healthcare provider in the UK to offer five consecutive-day radiotherapy for prostate cancer. 

Want to know more?

Contact us today about prostate cancer treatment at GenesisCare. We’re here to help, whether you’re paying for yourself or using private medical insurance.

0808 304 2332
0808 304 2332

Geoff's story

Treatment over five days

Geoff received his radiotherapy treatment over just five consecutive days on the MRIdian MR linac at GenesisCare in Oxford

Minimal side effects

His radiotherapy sessions took place in the mornings and, with no side effects other than mild fatigue, Geoff was able to enjoy exploring the Cotswolds in the afternoons with his wife.

Back to his day-to-day life

Geoff was pleased to have his prostate cancer treated in such a short period of time and to be able to get back to his day-to-day life, including attending a family wedding in Prague shortly after his treatment finished.

Geoff MRIdian prostate cancer patient

Over 300 prostate cancer patients treated on the MRIdian in the UK

Since we introduced the MRIdian to the UK in December 2019, we've treated more than 300 prostate cancer patients in our centres in Oxford and Cromwell Hospital London

We’ve seen first-hand the impact it’s had on improving our patients quality of life. These outcomes are further supported by research published by the University of California in January 2023.

Who is suitable for prostate cancer radiotherapy on the MRIdian?

Radiotherapy on the MRIdian MR linac can be used to treat patients with localised prostate cancer, meaning their cancer hasn’t spread to other nearby organs such as the bladder, pelvic lymph nodes, or anywhere else in the body. It can also be used for patients who have previously undergone prostate radiotherapy and have relapsed with the disease in the prostate only. This is referred to as prostate cancer reirradiation.

Unsure if you're eligible?

Call our friendly team today.

0808 304 2332
0808 304 2332

Radiotherapy in one week with minimal side effects

Many men with prostate cancer prefer a less invasive option than surgery and choose to have radiotherapy. But both standard radiotherapy and surgery carry risks of damage to surrounding organs, such as the bowel and bladder, with side effects including incontinence and impotence.

These risks and side effects are reduced with radiotherapy delivered on the MRIdian MR linac. This is due to the improved accuracy of treatment and automated beam control which avoids unnecessary damage to healthy tissue, leading to fewer side effects.

In some cases, we might suggest you have a simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) as part of your treatment plan.

Radiotherapy usually targets the entire prostate gland; SIB involves extra doses of radiotherapy aimed precisely at the aggressive area of the prostate tumour. This highly accurate delivery is made possible by MRI guidance on the MRIdian and aims to improve long-term outcomes and avoid recurrence without increasing the risk of side effects. SIB is delivered as part of the five-day schedule with no extra appointments needed.

Expert multidisciplinary teams for prostate cancer

We see care differently 

Our highly experienced prostate cancer experts work as teams, combining their skills and expertise so every patient has access to world-class cancer care.

MRIdian prostate cancer treatment

Men with prostate cancer can be treated effectively with radiotherapy in just 5 sessions over the course of one week, rather than 20 to 39 sessions

Dr Nicola Dallas, Clinical Oncologist, GenesisCare

Reviewed by:

Dr Nicola Dallas
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
May 2023


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Contact us today about prostate cancer treatment at GenesisCare. We’re here to help, whether you’re paying for yourself or using private medical insurance.

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