Getting advice and information

We believe care should be focused on you, the individual, not just your condition and we’re here to help guide you through your cancer journey. If you’ve been recently diagnosed, are going through treatment or caring for someone with cancer, we can help with advice about managing your health and where to go for support or more information.

The information below may answer some of your more general questions about medical terminology and accessing care. There is also nutrition advice to help you manage side effects and a list of organisations that provide support for people living with cancer.


Useful resources

Book an appointment

We can support you and answer any questions. Speak to a member of our team for advice.

0808 304 2332
0808 304 2332

Why go private?

Advanced treatment as standard

Precision radiotherapy, the latest treatments to improve outcomes and new ways to treat advanced or inoperable cancers. Most insurers cover cancer care from diagnosis.

Fast access

One in two people are diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime. But early diagnosis and fast access to the right treatment can make a difference.

Leading experts

We work closely with renowned consultants to provide personalised care that embraces life-changing approaches such as exercise medicine and wellbeing therapies.

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