The next step in rectal cancer treatment

Rectal cancer treatment is constantly evolving. Long course chemoradiotherapy (LCCRT, 25-28 fractions of 1.8 to 2Gy with concomitant fluoropyrimidine) followed by total mesorectal excision (TME) and adjuvant chemotherapy has been the conventional paradigm for stage II/III disease. Short course of radiotherapy (SCRT, 5 fractions of 5Gy) to the pelvis remains standard of care for patients with oligometastatic rectal cancer as well as frail patients with localised disease who are unable to undergo LCCRT or surgery.

Whilst historical studies have demonstrated non-inferiority of SCRT as compared to LCCRT in terms in the neoadjuvant setting (1-3), a post-hoc analysis of the RAPIDO trial, a phase III trial of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer, randomised to receive SCRT and consolidation chemotherapy versus LCCRT prior to radical TME surgery, showed a numerically higher local recurrence rate in the experimental arm (4). Postulated reasons for this include lower biologically equivalent dose (BED) of SCRT as compared to LCCRT, high proportion of T4b tumours and tumours involving the circumferential resection margin (CRM), high proportion of tumours located in the upper rectum exposed to greater positional variability, which combined with introduction of intensity modulated radiotherapy treatment (IMRT) employing tighter margins may have resulted in an increased risk of geographical miss.

Whilst short course radiotherapy delivered in 5 fractions over one week represents an optimal treatment option for patients with oligometastatic disease who benefit from minimal interruption of systemic therapy as well as patients who are too frail to be considered for LCCRT or surgery, there is an unmet need to optimise the delivery and improve efficacy of SCRT with the aim to improve local control especially as prognosis of patients with oligometastatic and polymetastatic rectal cancer continues to improve with the advance of novel systemic therapy options being employed in third line and beyond.


Introducing the MRIdian – an evidence-based treatment for rectal cancer

MR-guided adaptive radiotherapy has emerged in recent years as a promising modality in image guided radiotherapy, offering real-time high-resolution visualisation of the target and patient anatomy, allowing daily on-table adaptation and plan optimisation to reduce the dose to the organs at risk and improve tumour coverage.

MR-guided SCRT may allow safe radiotherapy dose escalation, better integration with intensified systemic chemotherapy and improved toxicity profile and tolerability in frail patients.

Here, we present a novel MR guided, daily adaptive dose escalated SCRT protocol and our institutional experience including planning data, early toxicity and patient related outcomes, effect on multimodality treatment (subsequent surgery and further systemic therapy) and local control.

Compared to conventional radiotherapy techniques, MRIgRT offers both reduced normal tissue toxicity – resulting in improved patient quality of life and long-term function – as well as improved oncological outcomes and organ preservation rates through selective dose escalation.

Various Phase II and III clinical trials6,7 and the global use of MRIgRT to treat other types of cancer, including prostatekidney, lung and cervical, have generated valuable knowledge and a strong rationale for the use of short-course MRIgRT for patients with rectal cancer.

Having first introduced the MRIdian to the UK in 2019, we have treated more than 1500* patients using MRIgRT at our centres in Oxford and Cromwell Hospital London.

You can find out more about how to refer, eligibility criteria and the evidence base for MRIgRT and SCRT for rectal cancer below.

*figure accurate as of August 2024

Benefits of MRIdian

MRIdian combines a linear accelerator with an MRI scanner to deliver treatment with sub-millimetre accuracy. By using the most advanced imaging available, MRI-guided radiotherapy offers the potential for improved response through dose escalation compared to conventional techniques. This can provide a variety of benefits to patients. 

Improved targeting

Improved soft tissue contrast by MRI scanning enables a clearer visualisation of the tumour site and reduces the planning target volume (PTV) margins. 

Daily adjustments

MRIdian accounts for the variation in the target position, allowing clinicians to replan each fraction and enable dose escalation without increasing toxicity.

Automated beam gating

The MRIdian’s automated beam gating functionality allows radiotherapy to only be delivered when the target is within the treatment field, reducing toxicity.


Who to refer

At GenesisCare, we work with referring clinicians to make sure patients receive the most appropriate treatment for their condition.

We regularly review our treatment protocols and eligibility criteria and encourage all potential referrals to be submitted for peer review. Our current eligibility criteria are defined as follows:

How to refer

We aim to make referrals to GenesisCare as rapid and straightforward as possible. For physicians with practising privileges, referrals can be made online here. Otherwise please contact us at your earliest opportunity at


The minimum data set required for MRIdian referrals is:

  • Rectal radiotherapy consent form
  • MR linac supplementary consent form
  • Booking form (electronic/paper)
  • Referral letter (letter referring the patient to the clinical oncologist)
  • Histology report
  • Rectal MRI report and images if possible
  • GenesisCare MRIdian assessment pro forma

Please note, on occasions some insurers may ask for a medical report.

We’re recognised by all major insurers, including Bupa, AXA PPP, Aviva and Vitality, and can help with transport depending on treatment and locations, when required. 

We also accept patients wishing to self-pay.

Evidence base

There has been an increasing evidence base for using the MRIdian system to treat rectal cancer.

Here are some of the key pieces of research to have been published over recent years across various topic areas.

Short-term vs. long-term radiotherapy as a treatment option in rectal cancer

Previously, neoadjuvant therapy for rectal cancer used long-course chemoradiation as standard, but a number of recently published trials have shown short-term radiotherapy to be a promising alternative.

Current guidelines from NICE do not make a recommendation on the duration or type of radiotherapy or chemotherapy to be used pre-operatively.

Short-course radiotherapy for organ preservation

There has been growing interest in treatment strategies aimed at organ preservation. One such strategy is neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy, which can lead to a pathological or clinical complete response, offering the possibility of postponing or even avoiding surgery.

Recently, two trials have reported experience of using short-course radiotherapy as an organ preservation strategy in rectal cancer:

MRI-guided radiotherapy for rectal cancer

Dose escalation using MRI guidance offers a potential method of increasing the likelihood of complete response whilst maintaining a favourable toxicity profile.

Experience of treating prostate cancer using MRI-guided radiotherapy provides further rationale for this strategy.

Definitions of radiotherapy for rectal cancer

Short-course radiotherapy

A treatment schedule used in rectal cancer where radiotherapy of 25 Gy in 5 fractions is delivered in 1 week.

Long-course radiotherapy

A treatment schedule used in rectal cancer. The typical dose is 45 Gy in 25 fractions, delivered over 5 weeks.

Hypofractionated radiotherapy

A term used to describe radiotherapy where the overall dose is delivered in a smaller number of fractions over a shorter period of time, with a higher fraction per dose. It is used when the dose per fraction is >2 Gy or more. Short-course radiotherapy is a form of hypofractionated radiotherapy.

MRIdian specialists at GenesisCare

At GenesisCare, radiotherapy treatment is delivered by a multidisciplinary team of specialists including clinicians, radiographers and technologists. Our team combine their many years of experience in treating rectal cancer with expertise in all forms of radiotherapy, including MRIdian MRIgRT.

Meet our SABR advisory team

Our multidisciplinary teams are led by the SABR Advisory Team (SAT), a group of consultant oncologists who work together to carefully review all referrals through the eMDT, as well as provide clinical governance for all treatment delivery.

Our SABR reference group is an advisory team of leading NHS clinicians who provide clinical oversight for the SABR service across the GenesisCare network.

The group work to improve patient access to SABR, oversee training and contribute to the evidence base through supporting research, thanks to our academic collaboration with the University of Oxford.