GenesisCare, Tugun (Gold Coast)

Tugun (John Flynn Private Hospital)

Tugun (John Flynn Private Hospital)
(07) 5507 3600
(07) 5507 3600
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(07) 5507 3610

Monday - Friday: 7am - 4pm


GenesisCare, Tugun offers advanced cancer care services including radiation oncology, theranostics and allied health care.

GenesisCare has two locations in the John Flynn Private Hospital campus on the Gold Coast.  

GenesisCare, Tugun | Cancer care services

John Flynn Private Hospital, John Flynn Cancer Centre,
42 Inland Drive, Tugun, QLD, 4224
T: (07) 5507 3600
F: (07) 5507 3610
Monday - Friday: 7am - 4pm

GenesisCare, Tugun | Theranostics

John Flynn Private Hospital, Nuclear Medicine & Therapy Centre,
Tugun, QLD, 4224
T: (08) 9438 8500
F: (08) 9438 8510
Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm

About GenesisCare, Tugun

Our experienced team have been providing quality care to the Gold Coast, Northern NSW corridor and Northern Rivers communities for more than 25 years. The clinic supports both publicly and privately referred patients, offering expert cancer care services in a contemporary setting.

Our multidisciplinary care team includes radiation oncologists, radiation therapists, physicists, nuclear medicine physicians, nurses, and friendly support team who take pride in delivering evidence-based care and achieving the best possible clinical outcomes for patients.

We offer rapid access to consultation and treatment and our location on campus at John Flynn Private Hospital allows us to partner closely with a range of cancer support services and provide holistic support to patients throughout their treatment journey.

In addition to our radiation oncology and theranostics services, GenesisCare, Tugun (Gold Coast) offers access to the topical treatment application Rhenium-SCT® for eligible non-melanoma skin cancer patients, and clinical trials (for eligible patients).

Our treatments and services

Radiation Oncology

Radiation therapy uses high energy X-rays or other particles to treat cancer and may be offered in the early stages of cancer treatment, or after it has started to spread.

Radiation therapy techniques can include:

  • External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT)
  • Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)
  • Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT)
  • Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR)
  • Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH)
  • Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS).

The centre also offers rapid access to radiation therapy for palliative patients.

Radiotherapy for Benign Conditions

We offer specialised non-invasive radiation therapy techniques for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer and some benign conditions (such as Dupuytren's disease, keloid scars, plantar fasciitis, and Ledderhose disease), as well as topical treatment application Rhenium-SCT® (for eligible non-melanoma skin cancer patients).


Theranostics is a cancer therapy which combines diagnostics and treatment techniques to detect and treat certain cancer types. GenesisCare, Tugun (Gold Coast) offers patients access to Theranostics services delivered by South Coast Radiology on site at John Flynn Hospital. For information on South Coast Radiology visit their website  or call: 1300 197 297.

Clinical trials

Advancing patient outcomes in the future is just as important to us as caring for patients today. Where appropriate, patients at Tugun, Gold Coast may be able to access the GenesisCare global network of clinical trials. For further information on clinical trial participation, please speak with your treating doctor.

Allied Health Services

GenesisCare partners with leading local allied health practitioners and offers access to tailored services to support your needs. Support may include:

  • Dietitian
  • Speech pathologist
  • Occupational therapist
  • Lymphoedema practitioner
  • Palliative care physician

Getting Here

GenesisCare, Tugun is located at the John Flynn Private Hospital campus, on the Gold Coast.