Dr Philip Camilleri
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Dr Philip Camilleri

Dr Philip Camilleri
MD, MRCP, FRCR, Clinical Oncologist

Languages spoken

English, Italian, Maltese, French

Expert in

Uro-oncology, prostate, testicular & bladder cancers, treatment of primary and oligometastatic cancer with radiotherapy, IMRT, Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR), MR guided radiotherapy, radio-isotope therapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy.


Special clinical interest in advanced treatments for prostate disease & cancer, and other urological cancers including testicular and bladder. He also provides advanced radiotherapy on the MRIdian, standard radiotherapy, bone therapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy.

Dr Camilleri was appointed as Consultant Clinical Oncologist in 2006 having trained in clinical oncology in Oxford. Recently he became Clinical Director of Uro Oncology at GenesisCare and together with the Uro Oncology clinical group of consultants has launched 5-day radiotherapy for prostate cancer5# SABR for prostate cancerre-irradiation for prostate cancer that has returned, and renal SABR. 

He is involved in research for most urological cancers and has launched and led on numerous national studies in Oxford. Dr Camilleri set up the prostate brachytherapy and the Radium 223 service in Oxford in 2013 and 2017 respectively. He is a core member of the urological oncology multi-disciplinary team at the Churchill Hospital, Oxford and is a Senior Clinical Researcher with the University of Oxford. Dr Camilleri is the Clinical Director for Uro-Oncology in GenesisCare UK and is the lead for the MR Linac team in Oxford.

Hear from Doug, Dr Camilleri’s patient with prostate cancer who was treated using MRIdian radiotherapy.

Awards recieved

  • Kay Fellowship awarded by the Royal College of Radiologists 2013

Clinical interests

  • MRidian advanced radiotherapy
  • Technical radiotherapy with brachytherapy
  • Stereotactic hypofractionated radiotherapy
  • Image-guided therapy as well as targeted therapy using advanced imaging techniques

Professional memberships

  • Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP)
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR)
  • Member of the Medical Defence Union (MDU)

Expertise and interests

  • Genituoury
  • Urological oncology
  • Bone therapy

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